Barrett Daugherty
Director of Technical Service Providers

My name is Barrett Daugherty. I live in Greenwood, Mississippi with my wife, Emmie, and our two children, Jack and Ina Drew. Emmie and I met in church approximately 10 years ago. We enjoy raising our family in the Mississippi delta.
My life’s work has been agriculture and row crop production. I grew up in Cleveland, Mississippi where I watched my father build and manage a successful agricultural retail distribution location. He was skilled in working with growers to make input decisions on their farms. The relationships he formed with his customers inspired me to a similar career path.
When I was 12 years old, my first job was working on a large farm. Over the next several summers, I began learning about different crops, how they grow, and how to deal with problems that arose throughout the growing season. It was an invaluable learning experience that gave me a great base of knowledge to build my career.
I attended Mississippi State University where I majored in agricultural engineering technology & business with an emphasis on precision agriculture. Throughout my college career, I worked with the Extension Corn Specialist for Mississippi. I spent time researching management strategies, performing hybrid yield demonstrations, and diagnosing problems across the state. Mississippi is home to a variety of crops, management practices, and a diverse grower base.
After graduation from Mississippi State, I began my full-time career in agricultural retail in the Arkansas delta. I spent five years working with farmers to make recommendations on seed, fertilizer, herbicides, and insecticides, among other things. My time in eastern Arkansas added to my knowledge base and my desire to help growers achieve their goals.
In 2009, I moved to Greenwood, Mississippi where my drive to assist growers achieve maximum returns on their investments has continued to grow. In 2011, I earned my certification from the American Society of Agronomy.
In early 2018, I joined STEWARD LINK® as their Conservation Activity Plan Leader and Certified Row Crop Advisor. My background, experience, and devotion to agriculture was perfect for STEWARD LINK®.
As Conservation Activity Plan Leader, I supervise all Technical Service Providers (TSPs) for STEWARD LINK®. I am certified by National Resource Conservation Service as a TSP to write nutrient management and pest management Conservation Activity Plans (CAPs). Technical Service Providers who have demonstrated their expertise to NRCS and become certified TSPs write the Conservation Activity Plans (CAPs) for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) applications.
My goal is to provide land managers sound agronomic advice as they fight the trials of present-day farming. My passion for row crop agriculture is as strong now as ever. The future of agriculture is constantly on my mind. When I am not taking care of my family or thinking about agriculture, I am thinking about hunting and looking for better ways to manage or improve the properties where I hunt.
Working with STEWARD LINK® to advise land managers is critical for the future of conservation and agriculture. I look forward to working with land managers across our great nation to put conservation on the ground.
Barrett Daugherty
Conservation Activity Plan Leader/Technical Service Provider Leader